Hot Lunches

Even the most energetic students will lose energy and focus on an empty stomach. And on a cold winter’s day, our range of hot foods can offer your students the nourishment and energy they need to keep going and keep learning.

Carambola hot lunches

Wide range of hot lunch options

Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter, there is nothing better than a nutritious and delicious lunch to ensure school kids feel they’re getting the nourishment they need when they need it. Tasty, hot meals can reduce stress and tiredness, helping your students recharge for the rest of the day. This extra boost will also help concentration and academic performance.

We can offer your school a full range of hot food menus that can cater for even the fussiest eaters. With a combination of hearty traditional favorites and great-tasting classic recipes, there is definitely something for all. Schooldays can be tough going for both your teachers and students alike - and our schools tell us that Carambola lunches offer the crucial pick me-up they need.

Explore Our Hot Lunches